Enable/Disable triggers in mysql
Disable Triggers in MySQL 5.0 Information about triggers in MySQL 5.0 you can find here: MySQL 5.0 New Features: Triggers MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: 18 Stored Programs and Views :: 18.3 Using Triggers It is not possible to temporary disable triggers in MySQL 5.0. But there are several tricks: drop/create triggers drop triggers do anything you need (import, update, etc) create triggers Use global variable each trigger should check this variable in its code beginning set global variable to 1 (or other NOT NULL value) to disable triggers do anything you need (import, update, etc) set global variable to NULL to enable triggers global variable IS NULL by default see sample below: schema: script: CREATE TABLE `users` ( `id` int (10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar (45) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; CREATE TABLE `properties` ( `userid` int (10) unsigned NOT NULL , `updated` ...